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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Study Anywhere Take free online courses from inspiring professors!

Study Anywhere

Take free online courses from inspiring professors! is creating a platform for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). MOOCs offer unprecedented opportunities for students and professors alike. Students from  all over the world can take courses from professors all over the world (through open courses). Conversely open courses enable professors to extend their reach by teaching tens of thousands of students worldwide.
Access to education can both vastly improve people’s lives and bring about real change to communities as a whole. This is why our courses are free to everyone. This is also why our course offerings are constantly expanding and cover a range of subjects that include medicine, computer science, economics, physics, law, design and philosophy.
We work in close cooperation with instructors, universities and knowledge-based companies to build high-quality courses that are engaging, interactive and fun. Our aim is not to replace the university but to empower academics. Likewise, being based in Europe, we are able to take advantage of the European Credit Transfer System. Our partnered institutions have the opportunity to offer exams that award ECTS credits. We are the only MOOC platform to have courses that offer ECTS credits and working to expand this possibility further.
With MOOCs, education becomes accessible to everyone, anywhere on the globe.

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